Maleficent is a powerful fairy living in the Moors, a magical forest realm bordering a human kingdom. As a child, she meets a human peasant boy named Stefan, and they fall in love with each other. However, as they get older, the two grow apart, with Stefan’s love being overshadowed by his ambition to be a king, while Maleficent becomes the protector of the Moors.

When King Henry, the ruler of the human kingdom, attempts to conquer the Moors, Maleficent mortally wounds him, forcing his retreat. On his deathbed, Henry declares that whoever kills Maleficent will be named his successor and marry his daughter Leila.

Stefan visits Maleficent in the Moors and drugs her, but cannot bring himself to kill her. He instead cuts off her wings, presenting them to Henry as “proof” of her death. While still processing the betrayal, Maleficent saves Diaval, a trapped raven, from being killed by a farmer by turning him into a human. Diaval offers her his service, and brings her news of Stefan’s coronation. Furious to learn why her wings were taken, Maleficent, and the Moors she protects, becomes dark and bitter.

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