Tim Thomas, sending a text message while driving, caused a car crash in which seven people died: six strangers and his fiancee, Sarah Jenson. In a bid for redemption, and unable to live with the guilt of his actions, Tim sets out to save the lives of seven good people.

A year after the crash, having quit his job as an aeronautical engineer, Tim donates a lung lobe to his brother Ben, an IRS employee. Six months later he donates part of his liver to social services worker Holly. After that, he begins searching for more candidates to receive donations. He finds George, a junior hockey coach, and donates a kidney to him, and donates bone marrow to a young boy, Nicholas.

Tim contacts Holly and asks if she knows anyone who deserves help. She suggests Connie Tepos, who lives with an abusive boyfriend, so he gives her his number in case she wants his help. Tim moves out of his house and into a local motel, taking with him his pet box jellyfish. One night, after being beaten, Connie contacts Tim, who gives her the keys and deed to his beach house. She takes her two children and they move into their new home.

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