In a suburban San Fernando Valleytomato garden of Van Nuys in Los Angeles,Theo, self-named “Turbo“, is a garden snail who dreams of being a racer like his hero, five-time Indy 500 champion Guy Gagné. However, his obsession with racing makes him an outcast in the slow and cautious snail community, and a constant embarrassment to his older brother, Chet. One day after nearly getting killed by a lawnmower in an attempt to retrieve a fallen tomato, Theo wanders onto a freeway to admire the traffic and wishes upon a star, which is actually an airplane, that he could be fast. Suddenly, he is sucked into the supercharger of a Chevrolet Camaro, fusing his molecules with nitrous oxide.

Upon waking up, he possesses superspeed and other characteristics of a real car. However, his first attempt to try out his new powers ends with him crashing a boy’s tricycle into the tomato garden where many other snails worked, resulting in him and Chet getting fired from the garden crew.

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