In June 2012, 18-year-old high school graduate Jesse Arista lives with his father Cesar, sister Evette, and grandmother Irma in Oxnard, California. In the apartment below lives a mysterious woman named Ana Sanchez, who everyone believes to be a witch. When Ana is found murdered, Jesse and his best friend Hector Estrella spot classmate Oscar Lopez running from the scene. The two investigate the apartment where they find black magic items, VHS tapes, and a journal of spells that can “open doorways to unholy places”.

After Jesse, Hector and their friend Marisol Vargas try out a ritual, paranormal occurrences take place in Jesse’s apartment. One night, the trio communicates with an unknown entity through a game. Jesse finds a mysterious bite mark on his arm and discovers he has superhuman abilities such as enhanced strength and levitation.

At a party, Jesse takes a girl to Ana’s apartment to have sex and encounters Oscar, who scares the girl away, and has black eyes and the same bite mark on his arm. Oscar tells Jesse that it’s only a matter of time before “something inside them” will take over, and they will harm those they love before disappearing. Oscar then commits suicide by jumping off a building.

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